About Alison Wilson – candidate for Arlington ward

Dear Resident,

My name is Alison Wilson. I’m standing in the upcoming election to represent Arlington on Wealden District Council and am writing to ask for your support on Thursday 4 May.

Here are some reasons why you may consider voting for me:

The kind of Councillor I will be

I will be approachable and available so that everyone I represent can tell me their concerns. I really value being able to help people – that’s what drove me as an employment lawyer helping people facing problems in their workplaces and that’s what inspires me to stand for election as your Councillor. Above all I like finding practical ways to solve people’s problems.

I will work hard to get things done for the people who live here.

I care deeply about the local community

Fifteen years ago my husband and I moved to Laughton with our young family. We love this countryside and wanted to bring our small boys up here.

The villages in Arlington ward have such a strong community spirit and I really value that. Since moving to Laughton I’ve been a governor at Laughton Primary School, which our sons attended, and volunteered with local charity Martlets Music. Now I’m a Parish Councillor in Laughton and love being part of how the village runs and helping people.

But as I’ve listened to local people I’ve heard how worried they are about large developments that threaten our villages, sewage pollution, the lack of public transport, and how dangerous it is to walk and cycle on our roads and lanes. I share these concerns and believe our local council should support us much better.

I want better from Wealden.

I’ll stand up for our countryside and environment

As a rural area outside the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, our beautiful countryside in Arlington is vulnerable to development that’s wrong for our communities. I am determined to stand up at Wealden District Council for our villages, and landscape and for nature, demanding that all planning decisions prioritise local people and protect the environment.

I’ll speak out against large developments that have such an impact on our villages.

I am free to be an independent voice for Arlington ward

I’ll stand up for the residents of Arlington, making sure your voices are heard in the Council. Other parties vote in a block – I’ll never be forced to vote on party lines because Green Councillors speak only for the people they represent.

I’ll always speak up for you.

I’m proud to have been selected to stand for election as Councillor for Arlington and hope you will put your trust in me when you vote on Thursday 4 May. I won’t let you down.

Best wishes,


PS: Don’t forget, if you vote for anyone else, then the Conservative candidate is more likely to win.

With your support, Greens can win in Arlington ward! Thank you.

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