About Martyn Everitt – candidate for Crowborough St Johns ward

Dear Resident,

My name is Martyn Everitt. I’m standing in the upcoming election to represent Crowborough St Johns on Wealden District Council and am writing to ask for your support on Thursday 4 May.

Here are some reasons why you may consider voting for me:

The kind of councillor I will be

I am already working hard for Crowborough St Johns as a Town Councillor. I am making a difference, but could do so much more for this area if I am elected to Wealden District Council. I am collaborative and honest – I will always speak up for what is right. The existing four Green Councillors have already changed the conversation at Wealden. I am keen to join the team so that together we can make Wealden a better place for all.

I will work hard and speak the truth.


I care about our community

I have been a Scout leader in Crowborough St Johns for 40 years, teaching mountaineering and first aid – it’s great fun every week. Fifteen years ago I left my job at BT to be a maths and science tutor. It is a huge privilege, through my scouting and tutoring roles, to witness so many young people grow up within this community. I really care about our community and about protecting the special character of this area. I am organising a street party for East Beeches Road after the coronation with live music, food and entertainments. I hope this will bring the whole community together – the young and not so young!

I will be dedicated to serving this community.


I’ll fight to protect our local environment

This is a lovely area, with lots of trees and greenery, and some unpaved roads. I have been having a lot of conversations around planning, as there are a number of controversial applications in the Warren. If I am elected, my aim would be to moderate the planning process – the ambition is not to stop development, but to make sure developers provide what is really needed and in the right places, with the right infrastructure.

I’ll push for housing that is good for local people and our environment.

I would also work with fellow Greens on the Council to put more pressure on the water companies to stop leaking raw sewage into our streams. This requires investment in infrastructure in the right locations. The water company plans to do that in Crowborough, but not until 2040 or 2050. It needs to happen now.

We need to invest now and prepare for the future.


I’ll be an independent voice for Crowborough St Johns

I’ll stand up for the residents of Crowborough St Johns, making sure your voices are heard in the Council. Other parties vote in a block – I’ll never be forced to vote on party lines because Greens are free to speak for the people they represent.

I’ll always speak up for you.

I hope you will put your trust in me in the elections on Thursday 4 May. I won’t let you down.

Best wishes,


PS: Don’t forget, if you vote for anyone else, then the Conservative candidate is more likely to win. With your support, Greens can  win in Crowborough St Johns! Thank you.

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