Austin Henderson is standing as the Green Party candidate for Sussex Weald
“Sussex Weald needs a strong and principled MP, free to speak up for our constituency. I will defend the NHS, protect rivers and green spaces, and tackle the cost-of-living crisis head on! We need Green voices to push the next government to do better.”
You can follow him at @GreenAustabla on Twitter / X or @greenparty_austin on TikTok. Or you can email him at sussex.weald@votegreen.uk
Austin Henderson is a British Army Veteran and a senior construction manager on affordable and shared ownership housing projects, with qualifications in environmental sustainability. He knows how to get things done and deliver change in the public and private sectors.
Q: Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
A: Certainly. I’m Austin Henderson, I’m 34 years old, and I come from a working-class background. I’m a British Army veteran, I’ve travelled the world, and now I work as a senior construction manager for a housing association in Sussex. My life path has been unconventional and has shaped me into someone who understands the challenges faced by everyday people.
Q: Why would you be a good MP for Sussex Weald?
A: I love Sussex, its countryside and towns – it’s where I’ve always come back to, and where I live and work now. It’s very special and I want to play my part in making it the best place for everyone to thrive.
An MP needs to represent all the people in their constituency and my background makes me uniquely suited for this. I’ve built my career from the ground up, starting as a labourer and working my way to managing multi-million-pound budgets. This has given me a wide range of skills – from active listening and public speaking to stakeholder management and implementing environmental sustainability practices.
I’m experienced enough to understand how to get things done in the real world, and young enough to understand the worries and hopes of younger people. I can bridge the gap between different age groups and social backgrounds, which is crucial for an MP.
Q: What motivates you to stand as a candidate in the General Election?
A: I’m desperate for positive change, like so many others and I have a powerful sense of duty to work for a better world for current and future generations, especially during these challenging times. I cannot sit by idly and watch our future go up in flames. We all need a brighter, more sustainable future.
I want to be able to look my constituents, my family, my friends, and future generations in the eye and say, “I’m listening, I stand with you, and I’m working to shake things up for the good!”
Q: What unique perspective or skills do you think you bring to this role?
A: I bring a combination of grit, real-world experience, and a fresh perspective. My journey from a working-class background to my current position has given me insight into the challenges faced by people from all walks of life.
My military service taught me the power of teamwork and perseverance. My world travels exposed me to diverse cultures and viewpoints that I draw on in my professional life.
I have built a career in construction, working my way up to senior management. Today I work for a housing association providing much needed affordable and shared ownership homes in East Sussex. I manage multi-million-pound budgets, liaise with the community and local authority, implement sustainable practices, ensure that up to 400 workers go home safely to their families every day and manage stakeholders and investors throughout project lifecycles. So many of these skills are transferrable to the work of an effective MP.
Community engagement is a key part of my professional life. From supporting an existing community as it moves into a new living environment by holding community engagement meetings and Q&A sessions, or interacting with local communities to find out how they feel about new proposed infrastructure and housing in their communities, I have a good rapport and empathetic approach to people affected by change for better or worse.
Lastly, I bring passion and enthusiasm, and I’m committed to being a voice for those who feel unheard and to driving forward Green policies in a practical, achievable way.