Colin Stocks – Green Party candidate for Crowborough North & Jarvis Brook – Local Elections 6th May 2021

There are several areas on which I’d focus my efforts as a County Councillor.

First, and most important from a County Council perspective, is transport. Every aspect of transport infrastructure in Crowborough needs improvement!

The town is long overdue for decent facilities for cyclists and pedestrians, and County Council support is urgently needed to restore regular and reliable bus services. Although there are a number of bus routes operating in Crowborough, only a few are suitable for use by residents that need to travel for work.

Roads also need plenty of work to be undertaken. In addition to the damage that can be caused to personal vehicles by potholes, they’re also a serious hazard to cyclists. Drainage on Crowborough’s steep hills is also an issue that requires attention. Localised flooding makes walking next to wet roads a very unpleasant activity, and is a danger for motorists.

Second, County’s plans to meet the challenge of helping the environment need unwavering support and enhancement. Only by ensuring that emissions cuts continue, that natural spaces are conserved, and that everyone has access to healthy outdoor spaces can we ensure a bright future.

Thirdly, Crowborough’s library needs all the support it can get. Online services work for many, but others require access to the helpful and expert staff, and to the physical resources available at the library.

I’ve lived and worked in Crowborough for over twenty years. For much of that time, I worked as a product development engineer designing equipment that contributed the economic well-being of Crowborough and the UK. So I’m practical, I understand sound finance, and I know the town well.

I’ve been a town councillor twice, cooperating to get things done, and working hard to make sure the local authority runs as smoothly as possible. So I know how to work with other people, and how local authorities operate.

Crowborough doesn’t get the value for money that it deserves from County Hall. As an economically important centre it generates significant tax revenue, but its transport infrastructure desperately needs improvement. Last year, I responded to County’s Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan, which didn’t identify any projects in Crowborough that would be eligible for funding, despite significant sums being available for other areas in the area.

I can already be contacted by electors in Jarvis Brook to deal with matters that arise at the local parish level. I’d be able to deal with even more matters as a County Councillor. In my current elected role, I have experience of answering questions about planning matters, some highways issues, and protecting Crowborough’s green spaces.

  • Transport Infrastructure
  • Protection of the Environment
  • Support for Crowborough Library
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