Get Involved

Wealden Green Party’s members and supporters are a huge part of our success: we enjoy being part of a lively group of like-minded people, working to make Wealden a better place to live for everyone. We’re open and friendly and would love you to join us.


We always welcome volunteers to help with our campaigning work – and you don’t need to be a Green Party member to take part. Could you help deliver our newsletters to your street or go out with our team and speak to local residents about their concerns? Maybe even help us on the ground with our election campaigns?

Or join our communications team, sharing news about our councillors’ work and the issues we’re campaigning on. We create newsletters, we run this website, we are really active on social media, we talk to the press and broadcast media, we make small films … and we’d love to have more people helping us.

Or data crunch for our elections team – we need spreadsheet fiends!

Or organise events, or social occasions, or help us recruit more members … whatever your skills, we’ll welcome you. You don’t need to be an expert – we have training and support so you just need a little bit of time and enthusiasm.


If you don’t have much spare time at the moment but would still like to help, why not make a donation? You’ll be helping us to win seats in elections and also support our hard-working councillors in their work.       Image already added      

Stand for Council

Councillors in Wealden can make a huge difference, putting great ideas into practice, representing residents with a clear and independent voice, and always demanding better. Likeminded Parish, District and County councillors – all make that vital difference.

Our councillors come from all kinds of backgrounds and none is a professional politician. What they have in common is a determination to do their best for the people of Wealden by working hard and always listening to find out what really matters. 

If you’re wondering what’s involved, just get in touch with us – we can tell you everything you need to know and introduce you to our councillors. They’ll share their experiences and back you if you decide to stand.

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