Ian Tysh – Green Party Councillor for Maresfield Ward

And then there were four! Tysh wins in Maresefield.

Green candidate Ian Tysh won the Maresfield ward by-election on 22nd September 20022 by a large margin – in the process becoming the fourth Green Councillor on Wealden District Council.

Ian Tysh won 61% if the votes in a two-way race with the Conservative party – winning 651 votes to the Tory candidate Helen Galley’s 412.

Councillor Tysh is a retired solicitor and for some years has been advising Green councillors on planning applications under consideration by Wealden District Council – giving them the ammunition they need to contest unsuitable planning applications.

Ian says: “I am looking forward to my new role as a Councillor representing Maresfield. I have a proven track record of making things happen, and I am passionate about making a difference. For example, I played a key part in persuading WDC to oppose Gatwick’s expansion plans.”

Ian’s top 3 priorities

1. Wealden council must help those in need without delay

The cost of living crisis is already having a real impact on all our lives. There are people in our area who will have to make very hard choices – such as between eating and staying warm. Ian regards this as totally unacceptable in 2022. Wealden District Council can actively help with people who are struggling, as Lewes District Council have done through a £750,000 hardship fund.

Ian says, “Wealden need to follow Lewes and provide some real help for those in most urgent need. Making this happen is my number one priority. I won’t rest till it is done. That is my pledge to you.”

2. No building without infrastructure & protecting our AONB

Ian’s local knowledge means he really knows the needs of our area and his legal background means he really understands the ins and outs of the planning process.

Ian says, “The current building projects in Wealden are ignoring local housing needs in the race to make more and more money. Any building must be sustainable, affordable and in the right place and the correct infrastructure must be in situ before any building is considered.”

Ian is passionate about protecting Ashdown Forest too. This incredibly rich Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) is under threat from property developers and the County Council’s ending of funding. Ian is determined to uphold its status as an AONB and a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).

3. No more sewage in our rivers and streams

Ian and the Wealden Greens are determined to clean up the river Medway and to stop the water companies pumping revolting raw sewage into our rivers. Ian was a key member of the team which developed Green Cllr Millward’s recent unanimously passed proposal to control the release of sewage by Southern Water.

Ian says, “The damage caused by unnecessary pollution to the plants and wildlife that live in or around the Medway is enormous and will have consequences for years in the future. The spilling of raw sewage must stop now. Our rivers must be clean and safe for our children to play in. I will continue to campaign tirelessly until we achieve good water status.”

Other issues Ian is keen to tackle:

    • Cars speeding and road safety on the A22 through Nutley: We need action NOW
    • We must stop Maresfield and Uckfield being effectively joined together by overdevelopment – nobody wants ‘Muckfield’
    • The lack of pavements and made-up footways on our ‘A’ roads is a disgrace: For example, residents at Coniston Court care home would be able to access the village pub and green in Nutley using mobility aids if there was a full footway alongside the A22
    • Maresfield, Nutley and Fairwarp need better bus services to get to GPs, dentists and shops in Uckfield and Forest Row.
    • We need safe parking facilities to tackle problems with dropping off children by car at Bonners Primary School in Maresfield.




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