A joint press release from Wealden Liberal Democrats & Wealden Green Party
Today, Green and Liberal Democrat members on Wealden District Council are pleased to announce they have reached an agreement to form the Alliance for Wealden, a cross-party co-operative group that will run the council for the next four years.
The recent local elections on May 4th ended 50 years of near-continuous Conservative control of the District Council, though gave no party an overall majority. However, the Liberal Democrats won 13 seats, making them the largest party on the council, while the Green Party won 11 seats. Discussions have been taking place since, which the two leaders, James Partridge for the Lib Dems and Rachel Millward for the Greens, have described as “amicable, brisk and business-like”, and which have led to an agreement to form a cabinet, consisting of four (4) members of the Liberal Democrats and three (3) members of the Green Party.
Liberal Democrat group leader James Partridge will become the new Leader of the Council, with Green group leader Rachel Millward becoming Deputy Leader. The leadership post will then rotate annually between the two group leaders.
This marks an historic change for Wealden, with the Wealden Conservatives having been reduced from a comfortable majority of 28 seats to just 9. Another historic first for Wealden was the election of two Labour District Councillors, both in Uckfield. There were also a total of 10 independents elected.
Liberal Democrat Group Leader and new Leader of the Council James Partridge spoke with optimism and enthusiasm about the newly formed working alliance with the Greens, saying:

Rachel Millward, Green Party Group Leader, added: