Vote Green in Uckfield North! By-election, 12 July 2018.

Meet your Green Party candidate for Uckfield Town Council!

Pam Tysh lives locally and works in Uckfield as a support worker for people with disabilities. She has worked as a sixth form and adult education teacher, and as a housing suport worker with young and homeless people.

Pam is married, with two adult daughters, and though she grew up in South London, she has lived in the area for over 20 years. You may even have seen her picking up litter as a Green Party volunteer on the Uckfield by-pass.

Pam says:

I care about social justice and will stand up and speak for everyone in North Uckfield. I won’t allow anyone to be discriminated against because of their income, age, disability, or any other kind of prejudice. We should all have an equal share in power.

I believe that our communities can be a force for good where kindness and care shape the way we live together.

The environment is precious and vital for us all. Our physical and mental health depends on our surroundings. We must consider the impact of our daily lives and policies on the long-term health of our habitats and planet.”

Pam’s commitment to you:

I offer my time – to listen, to attend meetings, to represent, to question and to organise.

I offer my personal integrity – to seek answers to difficult questions about austerity.

Where is my polling station?

There are two polling stations. One is at Manor Primary School in Downsview Road. The other is at the Cardal Hall in Belmont Road. To check which polling station you need to go to, click here.

Polling stations are open from 7.00am to 10.00pm. You don’t need a polling card – none are being issued!

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