Celebrating the inspirational Caroline Lucas

Wealden Green Party want to celebrate the inspirational Caroline Lucas and express our support for her decision to focus her efforts on action on the accelerating climate and nature emergency.

Caroline Lucas’ impact on politics in this country cannot be overstated: she truly is a force of nature and has been an extraordinary servant of the people of Brighton Pavilion as well as the Green party. We are so proud of her achievements.

Caroline has been an inspiration to many Wealden Greens, and she has supported our campaigns over the years and we have supported hers as she won three successive elections in Brighton & Hove. We will continue to support her efforts in the future.

Here are some local anecdotes of meeting and working with Caroline:

“Caroline came to Forest Row on many occasions. I remember her on the panel in the Village Hall for the launch of Transition Forest Row (see picture above). Keith Obbard was chairing the meeting and introduced Caroline as well as – I think – Rob Hopkins and Patrick Holden of the Soil Association. This was while Caroline was still an MEP and the animated debate in the packed hall introduced Forest Row to the concepts of peak oil, carbon budgets and energy descent plans.

“Another time Caroline arrived on the big Green double-decker bus, fuelled on eco-friendly fish-and-chip oil. The bus pulled up in front of the Swan, where it decided – not for the first time – to break down. Lots of people stopped to chat, and Caroline patiently reasoned with one resident who insisted we had to overthrow capitalism before we could even think of tackling climate change. So after several hours of this, and with the bus still immobile, we had supper outside the Swan and someone drove Caroline to East Grinstead station.”

Tony Lewin, WGP printed comms manager

“Caroline has been a constant in a changing world. I guess when I first met her she was a Councillor in Oxford. I campaigned with her on the “battle bus” in the European elections and spent many hours campaigning in Brighton with David Jonas who was her election agent in 2010, when she was first elected. Lots of happy memories!”

Keith Obbard, former Cllr for Withyham & Groombridge

“I have met her twice, both times at Charleston Literary Festival when she talked about her book (on the impediments for democracy working in an old parliamentary building with ancient rituals). She was always brilliant and very approachable when I discussed our local anti-fracking campaign. Many people suggested her as PM presiding over a coalition government (during the Brexit turmoil) before last election – she would have been amazing.”

Cllr Cornelie Usborne, Horam & Punnetts town

“A small story about Caroline – I remember canvassing for her in Brighton Pavilion and meeting so many people who said they weren’t really Greens but they’d definitely vote for her because she was such a great MP for her constituents. They loved bumping into her running in the park. One person told me how Caroline turned up without photographers to help out at their community group. She was always around so people felt she was part of their lives. I met her at the end of the day and she was limping badly, having dropped a radiator on her foot while doing DIY at home – no typical MP, Caroline!”

Sarah Butler, WGP comms team

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