Following the untimely death of Wealden District Councillor Chris Hardy, there will be a by-election for the Hartfield Ward he represented on 2nd December 2021.
The Green Party candidate is Rachel Millward, a local resident and environmental campaigner. Rachel’s professional background is as a cultural leader promoting women in film, and running community arts organisations. Rachel was nominated as ‘World Changing Woman’ by a national newspaper.
Rachel lives in the area with her husband and two children who attend local schools. She is a founding member of ‘Friends of the River Medway’ and has campaigned hard with Frow ReSource to re-open our local recycling centre.Rachel is passionate, hardworking and enjoys getting things done within our community.
“We live in one of England’s finest landscapes, but our green spaces are threatened by unnecessary and badly planned building developments. These are destroying our Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. I will do all I can to speak up for our communities and to preserve the beauty of this land for future generations.”
Rachel’s top three priorities will be:
- Stop building on the AONB
- No more sewage in the river Medway
- Protect the Ashdown Forest now